Latest Press Releases

In the world of law, some names are instantly recognizable. Some are local legends, some are nationally known, and there are the few that are so well known people refer to them by one name: Cochran, Shapiro, Mesereau, etc. Each have their own story to tell and Tom Mesereau shared some of his stories on Arash Hashemi's popular podcast, Hashing Out the Law.

'Hashing Out the Law' Releases Special Audio/Video Edition for 30th Episode

The Law Offices of Arash Hashemi Relaunches Site

The City of Los Angeles presents a Certificate of Recognition to the Law Offices of Arash Hashemi for their 15 years of service to the community.

The Law Offices of Arash Hashemi is proud to have U.S. Bank as a Bronze Sponsor for their 15th Year Anniversary Celebration

Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney, Arash Hashemi, to Discuss Drug Laws on February 18, 2017